"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that takes your breath away."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nothing Sweeter

Have you ever just felt happy for no reason at all? That’s what I’m going through right now… I know sometimes I lose touch of what I truly have in my life, but once I remember I feel so blessed. It’s a feeling I can’t seem to explain, but it’s there and I know what I’m talking about. So here’s just a few things that are on my mind and I like to collect all my thoughts throughout certain weeks and put them into writing. :)

Who doesn’t have those days or weeks where NOTHING seems to go right? I know it gets frustrating, so frustrating to the point where you want to explode and just give up, but I hope you don’t. Just know that things go bad before they get better and know that life is never convenient, but I guess the beauty of it all is that you go through the bads to get the goods and once you do, it’s the best feeling in the world. I get it now, you appreciate things more if you go through hell to get it rather than getting it the easy way… You always do. Just know that no one wants to be around negativities, so turn it around into something positive. You are who you surround yourself with, if you are negative all the time… No one will want to be around you. It’s easy to be negative and think that the world is against you, but it takes something special inside of you to turn that negativity into something positive. You gotta know that not everything is going to go your way, you gotta know that you will hit a LOT of bumps throughout your life and what? Are you just gonna give up? Fight it! Push through! There is nothing you can’t do and if you think that you can’t do something then yeah, you probably won’t with that attitude. Believe in yourself, you’ll see… It really works.

Remember that it’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with. You could be at the most beautiful place in this world and if you don’t have anybody to share it with, it’ll just be another place to you. I’m not talking about just that special someone, I’m talking about friends and family. Don’t ever lose that within, your loved ones are all that you really have in life. At the end of it all you know who will be standing there and by now you’re probably not too sure, but eventually you’ll figure it out. It’s okay to not know, you’ve got time to figure it out and take that time to really figure out who’s gonna be there and who won’t. Don’t expect too much out of people you know will only disappoint you. Save yourself the time and heartache, untie that string.

You’re always rushing, rushing to school, or to work. You’re always rushing to somewhere in your life, but you never take the time to really enjoy it all. You’re rushing to grow up, you want to just be out of school, start your career, and you want to just move on with my life already. I mean it’s not bad to want that, but what’s with the rushing? Will it be what you expect it to be when that time comes? I don’t know, I wish time would slow down a bit. I used to rush, but not anymore… I just want to take my time. I want to take the time to breathe and just enjoy it one step at a time. I am excited for the future, but it won’t change… It’ll be there whether I rush or not. We tend to forget that time passes by way too fast, if we don’t take the time to enjoy it in a flash it could be ten years from now and we’ll be wondering where the time went and I rather capture every single memory, breathe deeper, and really look at everything and everyone around me.

It’s hard to let go of certain people in your life especially if they’re all you’ve ever known, but sometimes it’s for the better. I know first hand how hard it is, it’s really not that you can’t… It’s that you don’t want to and you’re just not ready. & If you’re not ready, then don’t. Like I’ve always said, no one expects you to (If they do, they’re dumb) and no one knows how it is, BUT you. No one could possibly tell you how to feel or how it really is. Everyone’s situation is different, they couldn’t know what you’re going through. They can relate, but could never compare. It truly does suck and if there was a cure for it, I’d tell you, but there is no cure except time. They say time heals all wounds and we all know this… We’re just not patient enough to wait it out. I always think of this, you can’t get to the future if you’re stuck in the past. Everything WILL fall into place slowly, but surely. & God has a wonderful way of making it all happen, so leave it up to him. I promise you, you will appreciate it when it comes.

“Only one way to let go of the past, ACCEPT IT! Only one way to make a better future. SEE IT!”<3

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