"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that takes your breath away."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hope For Tomorrow

It takes someone to leave for you to know how much they meant to you, it takes a scar for you to remember not to do it again, it takes a tear to remind you that you are only human and it is okay to be weak, it takes a laugh to create and remember the good times, and in just a moment in time all that would go away and you are left with an empty head, lost, no words to say, and not knowing what to do to describe how you’re feeling… When laughing, crying, and talking just won’t do it anymore, when no one or nothing can make you feel better, and you don’t even know how to make yourself feel better or what to even tell yourself. Sometimes it is better to be alone when you’re going through a certain situation than have people around to comfort you, because even though you know they’re supportive, love you, and care about you… you, yourself, don’t for the time being, you just need time to yourself to figure you out, and eventually realize it yourself that everything will be okay in the end. That’s what I call a moment of clarity, when everything just makes sense, when you know that no matter how broken you are right now, you will get through it and there’s not a thing you cannot conquer in this world with the power of believing in yourself. No one knows if everything will be okay in the end, but if you believe it can be gets you a step closer to it will be. The power of believing is truly incredible.
It’s not going to work right away, you’re going to be sad, confused, and frustrated. You’re going to want to say the meanest things and do the stupidest things because you don’t know what else to do but act out, and that’s okay. Do it, get over it, and just breathe… But I hope that you will never stop believing in yourself. I hope that you will find out who you really are, I hope that things will work out in your favor, but if it doesn’t, that’s okay too. Don’t work yourself up for something so small. I hope that you find who your true friends are in life, because those are ones that will stick with you throughout this roller coaster ride, the ones you can run to when all falls. I hope that love gets the best of you and not the put downs. I hope that you keep believing what you’re doing, and where you are in life. Because a moment of doubts go a long way; it throws you off balance and puts your life on pause. I hope that when you do get a chance to tell your true feelings, you do so. Endurance is a good thing, but you’re only human, you can’t endure everything. I hope you speak up when you need to and not be scared to lose anything or anyone, because in the end, you will end up with the things and people you’re meant to be connected to. I hope that you spend more time doing good instead of bad, I hope you are safe and sound, I hope letters keep you warm and prayers keep you safe. I hope you realize beauty lies within and not all the materialistic things you wear or carry. I hope you find it in yourself to give someone a nice comment than to put them down, I also hope you know that a kind word can be very inspirational to someone else. I hope kisses still gives you butterflies. I hope you forgive yourself and others more often. I hope you know when to give yourself a break. I hope you lose the pain and misery you hide within and reach out. I hope when you think no one is there to listen, you rethink, pick up the phone and call me cause I will. I hope that when you feel like you want to give up, you think of the loves you have in your life and smile. I hope the little things in life will make you smile the biggest. I hope that when laughing just won’t do it anymore, you cry and cry as loud and as much as you can. I hope you’re not afraid to show who you really are cause only then will you be surrounded by true people. I hope you know wearing your heart of your sleeves is a good thing, and don’t let anyone tells you otherwise. I hope you don’t rush to grow up and enjoy every piece of the child within. I just hope you never stop believing in yourself and I hope you know you’re not alone♥

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