"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that takes your breath away."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Keep The Faith

Where does the love go when two people who are so deeply in love with each other break up? Does it get split up? Here, you have this piece and I’ll have this piece or does it just float around somewhere until it is found? No one really knows and what a hard question to answer.

You fight to stay together and you fight to go your separate ways, it seems like it is always a fight between the two of you. You know it’s dumb, but you let it happen and you know in your heart that it’s not worth hurting each other over, but you do it anyway. We all like to test our limits, we want to see what ticks them off, and what we can get away with. If only relationships come with some instructions, will we all succeed then? No one really know what the right thing is when it comes to relationships, you just go with it, and hope that it’ll work out in the end. You’ll hit a lot of bumps along the way, but you don’t stop there. You continue to go down this road with no assurance that you will get anything in the end, but in the end whether it works out or not, you always gain something from it. You learn more about yourself than EVER when you are in a relationship, you find out who you are as a person, what makes you crazy, and what it is that really makes you love or admire a person. You end up always walking away with lessons learned. If only all relationships end with a happy ending, but they don’t. You never know what you’re getting yourself into and you never know what will happen. Your prince charming could turn into an ugly frog or your ugly frog could turn into prince charming. When love happens, it rushes and when it leaves, it takes its sweet time. You feel it in your soul, it hurts and it just hurts so much you can’t get yourself to breathe right. That feeling of disappointment gets you to stay in bed for days, you cry all the tears that you have inside of you, and the sadness from it is just so sad you can’t bare to even look at yourself. Every where you go and every little thing you hear or see reminds you of the wonderful times love showed you. It’s funny that love is such a beautiful thing when you are out of it, but when you’re in love all you did was picked apart all of the bad things that it caused. It’s hard to be alone, it is always hard to be alone and the thing is you don’t get answers out of the ending to a relationship either, at least not the answers you want to hear. You mope around, feeling sorry for yourself, crying because you listen to the saddest of songs, and giving yourself reasons to get over him. Sleeping is hard cause you wake up wishing it would be a dream and eating is hard when you can’t keep the food down cause you’re sick to your stomach of the things they may be doing or did to you. The person you want to be there to wipe your tears and tell you everything would be okay is not there because they’re the reason for all of it.

So what do you do? You dig and you dig for stuff to hurt yourself so you can get over him until you can’t get yourself out of your own hole. Stop…Wait… Slow down…. No one expects you to get over it so fast. Just take your time, cry your heart out. Talk about him/her as much you want to, every chance you get, and to whoever that would listen. Even if they’re not listening, just talk. You even talking about it is already the first step into letting go, don’t try so hard to get over love. It’s going to float around, not far, but just right above you. It takes one sec to fall in love and years to forget about it. You need to listen to your heart and stop fighting against what you’re feeling. No one is going to judge you if you still love that person or miss them. No one has the right to sit there and point their finger at you when in situation like this only you would know the feeling. Just take your time… It will all unravel itself and things will fall into its place, they always do. Take it one breath at a time and don’t be afraid to drop those tears. The people you love will tell you that you deserve much better and that things will work out for the better, but it doesn’t do anything if you don’t believe that yourself. & They don’t know if it’ll work out for the better, YOU don’t even know if it’ll work out for the better, but no matter what your faith will guide you through♥

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