"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that takes your breath away."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lessons Learned

Take the time to realize that you are growing a little every day, you learn stuff as you go on living day by day, and hopefully you gain something from them. Here are just some of the lessons learned in the past two weeks, people are right when they say you learn something new every day, sometimes, without even knowing.

Don’t push anyone out, if someone is opening up to you, take them in with open arms. If someone needs you, even if it’s a stranger or someone you barely know, let them know that you will be there and listen to them. Sometimes it might seem stupid, but really… you do more stupid crap in a day worth that one more is not going to change anything. If someone is doing well and have everything going for them, be happy for them. Don’t sit there and hate on them, YOU gotta be secure enough with where you are in your life and who you are to be happy for someone else. Sitting there and bashing on what they do and where they are at in their lives, only shows what a sad and insecure person you are. Don’t do it, be better than that. When someone sit there and judge you for who you are not, don’t even bother to justify yourself, as long as you know who you are as a person and you are comfortable with it then end of story. No need to drag the drama that someone brought into your life on longer than it should be. Don’t be a pushover, when you know you can’t handle something, don’t take it on! Don’t let others guilt you into doing their work for them… They need to learn how to be responsible & you’re not helping by doing their tasks for them. Stand up for yourself. If you have something negative to say to someone, keep it in, you’re only egging on the negativity they possess.

When someone asks you if you’re okay and you are not, say so! Sometimes it is good to admit to yourself and others that things are not okay and whether they understand or not is the answer to why things are not okay. Don’t let others tell you how you feel, they are not you, they couldn’t possibly know. If you feel like you need a break, do so. Who to say you don’t? Just take it. There’s a fine line between sharing and bragging, learn it. Share to people, brag to your family and bests. Because when you brag to the people who love you, they know you are just happy and you don’t mean anything else but that. Not to mention they will be happy for you. Bragging to just people, they might not understand how you are and will end up taking it in the wrong direction, so be careful what you share/brag to people. If you love someone, just love them. Don’t count the good and bad things you’ve done to each other. You have both done a fair share of crap to each other. Think before you say/do things to each other, as hard as it is through the anger, think…you just never know. Don’t settle for less, if you want to do it all, go for it! If you want to be in 5 professions at once and can… why not go for it? You only have this life to live, live it however the hell you want to. The people who tell you, you can’t, are the ones that you need to get rid of. See the “you can’t” as inspirational words for you to strive harder to become successful! Jealousy is one of the deadliest sins, do not find yourself trap in it. Jealousy leads you to become someone you are not, doing the things you don’t want to do, and living the life of someone else’s.

Life is all about choices, I hope you make the right ones as you go on and along the way take the time to realize what you’ve gained from it all, but don’t look back unless it’s a good view♥

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